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Thursday, December 16, 2010

GIMME MORE Black Metal!

Good evening legions,

As my academic semester comes to an end, I find it easier to focus on exploring new musical horizons, in the hopes to share some interesting things with all of you. I myself get bored of listening to the same 3 songs over and over again, so I like to venture into little musical quests ^.^ 

Tonight I wasn't particularly looking for anything; it came to me on its own... Really! The band that caught my attention came into existence in 1993 in the city of Bialystok, Poland. They disbanded in '98 but reunited in '03 (best move they could have done, for the sake of great Metal). If I had to choose one word to describe them it would be BADASS!
Enough of the mystery; I am talking about Hermh.

 Even though I have had their music for two years, sometimes it isn't obvious to me at first how great certain music can be. It only takes a bit of time to appreciate. This is a great example of what I would call musical serendipity. On that note, I must admit that I did not know much about them before the release of their latest album Cold Blood Messiah (2008), which came to me when I was still the Music Director at CSCR Fusion Radio.  What really stroke me was how flawlessly they managed to incorporate both Atmospheric and Symphonic elements into their style of Black Metal. Simply incomparable. Even though their previous releases were more of a fusion between Gothic and Black Metal, what they accomplished on their latest album is a balance not only hard to achieve musically, but also hard to come by as a fan.

 I personally enjoy the almost-Gregorian choir in songs such as Instrumentum Diaboli,  Lord Shall be Revealed,  I Bring you Fear, Eyes of the Blind Lamb (SIMPLY BREATH-TAKING BEAUTIFUL, by the way) and finally, my personal pick of the day: Hairesis.  The video left me completely speechless. Not only it is as good as the song; it also has that emotive feeling behind it, which makes it more engaging. So, I have posted it below for you to enjoy.

As Far as I know the band has been relatively inactive for the past year and a half. The last thing I heard was that the vocalist, Mr. Bart Krysiuk, made an appearance on Vader's version of Black Metal (Venom Cover) on their 2009 Necropolis. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly hoping that they are secretly working on something that will leave me completely astounded. Until then I shall wonder into their older releases for the sake of comfort.

-Stay Metal-
MM Dre - dnklschwrz, 2010

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