Greetings Legions,
On such an awful day like today (freezing rain + unpleasant visceral sensations that have lasted for over two days) I thought it would be a wicked idea to set my ears fee into the violent realm of Brutal Death Metal. This time (like many other times), the universe was on my side, and I came across an interview that made me curious about the recent album released by Medecophobic; a German sensation that is starting to make a tremendous presence in the world of BDM.
Sometime in September 2009, I had the pleasure to meet Erinc, the guitarist and front man of the band, while he was visiting the city of Toronto. I even had the honor to have him as my show's co-host a few times, where he blew the audience away with the RAWEST-most-visceral-sounds emanating from various places around the globe. He introduced me to some great bands, such as Putridity, Angelcorpse, Avulsed, Copremesis, Defeated Sanity, Devourment, and Vomitory, among others. As a token of appreciation, I introduced him to Poutine and that made the world a better place ^.^
He mentioned how his band was planning on releasing an album sometime soon, but had come across various technical difficulties (one word: Oceano. He knows what I am talking about...) so the process was slightly delayed. Then, after a year and some months past. La voilà: Pandemic of Existence came to life for the enjoyment of the public and to delight a very selective audience.
My expression that describes this album: RAW-AS-FUCK! I am certain that Erinc will be pleased with this description.
When it comes to Brutal Death Metal, I am probably not the most appropriate person to give you an accurate opinion about whether or not an album is really great or is simply noise. Its audience is very selective and a good connoisseur of BDM will be able to tell you in depth the difference between a band an another, their strengths/weaknesses, their lack of experience, how talented they are, or whatever other question you may have. I am definitely not an expert in the area, as my perspective on this genre is more along the lines of: I find something, I listen to it and then I either hate it or like it, period. When the band's material is incredibly unique, then I can get in depth about why I think they are better/worse etc. When it comes to Pandemic of Existence, I feel like the most appropriate thing to do would be to make an incision in my forehead, take out my brains and cook them with scrambled eggs. It is BRUTAL, I will tell you that much, but for the sake of impartiality I will let you draw your own conclusions.
To Erinc and all the guys in Medecophobic, Brutal greetings from the other side of the pond and my most sincere wishes on the success of your band. I look forward to hearing tons more from you.
-Stay Metal-
MM - Dre dnklschwrz MMXI

He mentioned how his band was planning on releasing an album sometime soon, but had come across various technical difficulties (one word: Oceano. He knows what I am talking about...) so the process was slightly delayed. Then, after a year and some months past. La voilà: Pandemic of Existence came to life for the enjoyment of the public and to delight a very selective audience.
My expression that describes this album: RAW-AS-FUCK! I am certain that Erinc will be pleased with this description.

To Erinc and all the guys in Medecophobic, Brutal greetings from the other side of the pond and my most sincere wishes on the success of your band. I look forward to hearing tons more from you.
-Stay Metal-
MM - Dre dnklschwrz MMXI
asi debe ser la musica... hate.. like.... maybe an im not sure.... no reviews in between...