Never in a million years did I think that I would EVER say this, but HxC kicks some serious ass, particularly the one made in this city -It freakin’ rules! Jesus “Madball” Christ (or should I say, Jesus “Abismo” Christ?), I had never been to such an incredible concert as the one I attended last Saturday at the Mama Place. As I mentioned in my
“warming-up” entry, I was a bit sceptical about this new experience for many reasons (the lighting, the groupies, the not-so-groupies, the music, the lack of booze available inside, my inability to bring in tobacco, etc, etc…), but you know, what the hell, especially after wanting to see my buddies from
Pitbull for so many years (Disclaimer: Pitbull is a Hardcore band from Bogota. Do not mistake with the reggaeton singer, as it may cause some serious thrombosis to sensitive brains).

After seeing Abismo’s video,
Odio, I was quite interested in witnessing at first hand exactly what the band’s capacities and public aptitudes were while on stage. Even after the video, I was still not fully convinced about HxC. To me, the presence of this scene in my life would never go beyond a friendship bond, which includes supporting band I could never truly like. On this note, I think it is vital to start telling my experience from the beginning, because every single detail of this story is absolutely crucial. Failing to comply with the details might inspire me to perform hara-kiri on myself for not painting in your mind exactly what I saw (believe me, it means a lot to me. You may not understand but I really HATED HxC).

I was hoping that it would be more along the lines of somewhere in between the above speculations, simply because an empty space is great for photographic purposes. After all, there was only one way to find out, so I bought my ticket at the door, where a young lady recommended I took good care of my camera (unnecessary piece of advice, but highly appreciated), after telling me that more than one person had evacuated the premises because of Mosh pit injuries. Little did I know that fun times awaited...

Obviously, as I walked into the venue, I realized that it was absolutely packed. From the previous show I learned that great photos can be taken from a level above the ground. On each side of the main area at this Mama place there are two scaffolds (to me they look fully improvised but who knows, they may be a legit part of the design) that apparently resist more than 50 people each - betcha no one knows how, but that's absolutely irrelevant at this point. Something else I have learned in this country is that one does not need to ask for permission to do anything; you simply go ahead and do it. Oh, and something else: an Excuse me is completely useless; only those who push prevail.

As I mentioned before, I walked right on time to see Abismo. I found a great angle to see the band, to take decent
photos, and to watch how the fans physically demolished one another in a brutal Mosh pit. The band started playing right away, and this is where the true HxC Colombian experience begins. Mind you that where I come from, the concept of band is basically a euphemism for elite and back-off-bitch-I'm-popular-and-you-are-not attitude. Not here. The band had not been on stage for over 5 minutes and suddenly, what began as 4 people on stage, became 50. Jesus WTF Christ! I could not believe my eyes and I also couldn't stop wondering what these 4 individuals felt on that stage, as they watched an entire venue, not only accompanying their songs, but freakin' stealing the microphones away from the front man and the backup voicalists. Once again, only those who push prevail.

The energy transmitted throughout this entire eco-system was unbelievable: the frenzy of the fans, the soul behind every song the band played, everyone wanting -and being able- to crowd-surf, the freakin' girls moshing harder than men with moves that not even Jean Claude Van Damme could pull off, and yours truly completely in shock. I can bet my left pinky that no one in that place was experiencing what I went through. I mean, I have seen so many different bands, in so many different venues, in so many different cities, but I had never seen anything like this. It was INSANE! The only thing I could possibly do was simply watch the show and document it through my lens, period.

I don't know if HxC fans headbang (nor do I care), all I know is that I couldn't stop headbanging and feeling how 3/4 of my body wanted to jump into the crowd (I actually saw someone do that BTW) and rock on as the band continued to shed all its energy among the people present at the Mama (good thing I still have 3 rational neurons left in me that do not let me act on desire during critical times like this). I am still astonished about the whole show and very much in love with Abismo and I could go on and on and on and on about them and my first HxC experience, but I will leave that for another occasion.

However, there is one last thought that I would like to leave you with. Bands like Abismo, and all the other HxC bands that shared the stage this past Saturday have one thing in common that many bands (yes, Metal included) have lost. They are still making music from the inside-out and not the other way around, and that is what makes a tremendous difference. That is the main reason why fans go above and beyond to support these bands and, in this case, to push their way through to get to the vocalist and scream the lyrics of a song into a microphone for everyone to know that they are proud to follow a group that still does music because they both (band and fan) truly believe in what they are doing. They make music from the heart and it becomes obvious that regardless of how popular they may get, they will always remain faithful to the main reason that led them start a band, in the first place. To these bands, my eternal respect, admiration and loyalty.