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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Experiencing the Colombian Metal Scene - Loathsome Faith

Greetings Legions,

As I wonder through the city of Bogota, it is almost inevitable not to want to see what the Metal Scene is up to around here. As many of you already know, I have always been a sucker for Latin American Metal, particularly for the one that emanates from this Country. I spent most of my time at the radio station promoting a scene that does not get the attention it deserves, aside from that given by those who are really intrepid and love seeking new sounds. Oh Latin American Metal, how you always manage to captivate me in the most intriguing ways *sigh*.

Given that good timing seems to be my ally when it comes to checking out new bands, I had the chance to experience the local scene at its best. Yesterday (27/08/2011) at a tiny place called Teatro La Mama, somewhere in Chapinero (I am still trying to get used to getting around this city - not an easy thing BTW), a terrific show was waiting to be discovered. Before I get into the praising, into the applause and all the positive things that I enjoy highlighting, I do have to complaint about a few things (only 2, or 3), the main one being: TIME! 

Mind you, where I come from, a show usually starts around 7 or 8pm. Here, NO WAY JOSE... They have to start at freakin' noon! Well, not really, I kid a tiny bit. But the one yesterday was scheduled to start at freakin' 3 in the afternoon. Jesus "Cerveza Aguila" Christ! Yes, Major WTF indeed! Fortunately, like everywhere else in Latin America, things get delayed for absolutely no reason, and in this case the show started at 4. Either way, I arrived at around 5pm. Now I get into more ranting (more like disappointment, I suppose). One of the main reasons I went to this place was because a Tribute to one of my Favorite bands, Brujeria, was lined up to play yesterday. When I arrived that was the first thing I inquired, and of course they said: Oh, those, no they didn't play... Just like that, no emotion, no reasons, no nothing... My heart shed a tiny tear, and of course, the only thing left to do was to drink the pain away... 

Enough of ranting and drinking, let's highlight the good things. Eventually, I went inside the venue, with enough time to see the next band set up and get ready to rock. And here is where I shed my love and contentment. I will not be a cynic biotch and tell you that I know everything about this band because I really do not and that would be just moronic. I went with an open mind and slightly predisposed to like the band, since I had only heard good things about them and additionally, I had the chance to see their guitarist (Mr. Andres Zamudio) busting some moves, completely by accident and without requesting anything. By the way, before we go on any further, I am talking about Loathsome Faith, from my very own Bogota (yes, the one where I still find it challenging to get around). So, here I am, surrounded by a whole bunch of minors, who have more stamina than anyone else I have ever seen, and they are just waiting to dislocate their necks and beat the shit out of someone else (OH yes, that's another minor detail: To be in a Mosh pit in Colombia requires some SERIOUSLY HUGE balls... Some women here have bigger balls than many men I know back where I come from... If you are still skeptical about what I mean, let me illustrate).

I got sidetracked, but then: MAGIC! The band started playing and the energy surrounding me was absolutely unbelievable. It wasn't just the energy, it was also the talent behind the band itself. You may call me bias and all you want (and I could honestly care less) but any band where Esteban Souza plays has my sign of approval, period. That man is a machine, an android, an improved version of any drummer mankind has ever seen - ok, enough- I hope you get the point. It takes some serious courage to even attempt to keep up with his talent; thus you can imagine this band's lineup: simply breathtaking. The singer, Mr. Angel Niño (he looks like neither one; if you don't understand, go to and then you will agree with me) is a monster! His presence on stage, his energy, the voice, everything was simply brutal! I already mentioned my admiration for Mr. Andres Zamudio and I restate that the guy is great at what he does. When it comes to stage presence, he reminds me a bit of Brian Welsh from Korn: Completely emotionless, but Holy Shit! 

After two songs, I just let myself go, and that was probably the best idea I had the whole night (aside from going up some stairs later on to take some photos, which didn't occur to me before...). I enjoyed every single song, particularly the one I will leave you with. Quite frankly, I don't know if this song touches a sensitive fiber in my body or it dares to combine many different factors that make me want to bounce against the walls (the song may kick some serious ass, but I still do not dare to mosh in this country - or anywhere else, for that matter). Truth being: I can't stop listening to this song, and here I am sharing it in the hopes that you join me in joy and bang your head to a terrific Band.

Oh, and before I forget. I did manage to capture a few shots of the band LIVE. I apologize but the lights at this Mama place sucked some serious Afro-descendant member... Either way, feel free to check them out:

AndBrice - View my 'Abismo' set on Flickriver

-Stay Metal-
Fraulein Andrea MMXI

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