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Monday, May 6, 2013

A fine day to....

A fine day to have a half-prize Frappuccino, listen to great Black Metal and pick up an interesting read.

I find it quite pleasant when my surroundings confabulate with my iPod to make me enjoy the small pleasures of life, which include listening to Emperor's cover of Bathory's A fine day to die, as whip cream and caramel caress my taste buds, as they slowly melt in my mouth.

Hope this moment never ends.

A glorious rest of the day to all of you!


 Fraulein Andrea MMXIII

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Slayer's Guitarrist, Jeff Hanneman, dies

It is with sadness that we gather here this evening, in front of our computer screens, all over the world, to say goodbye to a Pioneer of Thrash Metal: Mr. Jeff Hanneman. After two years of contracting a rare skin disease known as necrotizing fasciitis, which progressively ate away the flesh from his arm, his liver gave up and brought his life to an end.

He will be truly missed.

Lest we forget:


 Fraulein Andrea MMXIII